The importance of biodiversity conservation Environmental science essay

The benefits of biodiversity include keeping water quality pure. In wetlands, plants absorb pollutants in the water and process and purify the water. Shellfish such as molluscs absorb nutrients from biodiversity. Benefits of biodiversity include maintaining impeccable water quality. The development of nature and nature reserves is an important tool for nature conservation. Science, 370 6519. Our understanding of conservation biology and sustainability has developed independently for a long time. Evidence shows that biodiversity is critical to the ecosystem function and services on which humans depend, and is directly linked to the economic, social and environmental components of sustainability. As a result, biodiversity provides four major types of benefits to humans: nutritional, cultural, health and climate-related benefits. Healthy and functional ecosystems play a crucial role in sustaining human livelihoods by providing needs and benefits such as food, water, energy sources and carbon sequestration, also known as 'ecosystem services'..’.

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