Hrt prescribing in breast cancer risk Biology essay

A new study published today by The BMJ provides new estimates of the increased risks of breast cancer associated with the use of various hormone replacement therapies, HRT preparations, in Britain. It. Hormone replacement therapy, HRT, is very effective in controlling these symptoms in the general population and in breast cancer survivors. However, concerns about breast cancer recurrence due to HRT use prevent many oncologists from using this approach in symptom management. Evidence from randomized trials, observational, 3. Estrogen therapy has a lower risk of venous thromboembolism than EPT, and when used in the early postmenopausal period does not increase the risk of venous thromboembolism. 4. Oral estrogen therapy is prohibited for patients with a history of venous thromboembolism, and they must use transdermal estrogen. 5. The researchers highlighted that some women who had never used HRT would still develop breast cancer. For example, if a group in s who had never used HRT would still develop breast cancer in a year's time. If you have recently used combined HRT for fewer years, you may develop breast cancer.

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