The student-centered approach to education
The work that Carl Rogers began with his visionary person-centered model and its research approach has finally come into the present. What is needed is a propulsive will for the field and its researchers, practitioners and policy makers to educate ourselves and our extended community on the research-validated truth about what this visionary model and the sector entails, and then discuss the impact of on the subject-centered student-centered and problem-centered design models for teaching and learning. Many changes have taken place in society in recent decades. Student-centered learning can be defined as follows: “Student-centered learning is a broad educational approach that includes replacing lectures with active learning, integrating self-paced learning programs and/or cooperative group settings, ultimately holding the student accountable for their own progress. in education,” The term student-centered learning refers to a wide variety of educational programs, learning experiences, instructional approaches, and academic support strategies designed to meet the different learning needs, interests, aspirations, or cultural backgrounds of individual students. and groups of students. To achieve this, in complex higher education systems, there are many factors that can influence the implementation of student-centered teaching practices in STEM courses. Instructors have diverse pedagogical backgrounds, 8 levels of confidence, 9 and personal beliefs and intentions about teaching, 10 This article summarizes the findings of systematic review journal articles reporting outcomes of LCP implementation in low- to middle-income countries. The review found relatively few studies that provided objective evidence for the effectiveness of LCP. A larger number of studies identified non-objective perspectives on LCP, Rationale and Purpose. Learner-centered design LCD is a widely acclaimed approach to facilitating learning in primary education. Reigeluth amp Carr-Chellman, 2009b. Through LCD, students receive relevant instruction that matches their current knowledge and skills, aimed at many types of learning outcomes Reigeluth, Myers, amp, Also, a student-centered view of teaching recognizes that all students come to class with rich knowledge and experiences it recognizes that every student brings a different language and learning experience. The importance of student-centered interactive pedagogy LCIP as a pedagogical approach has been extensively discussed in many educational contexts and countries, see for example Hoidn, 2016 McCombs, 1997. Examples of student-centered learning. 1. Debate competition in class. During a classroom brainstorming session, students generate a list of topics they would like to debate. One student writes the suggestions on the board and then guides the formation of pro and con debate teams. Students choose which topics they want to discuss and whether they want to. The authors found that there was a highly significant effect of student-centered education on performance and attainment targets versus the effect of a teacher-centered approach. 54, 95 37. A learner-centered approach, also known as a learner-centered approach or student-centered education, is an educational philosophy that places the learner at the center of the educational process. It emphasizes active participation, involvement and autonomy on the part of the student, shifting the focus from the teacher alone. Student-centered learning SCL is synonymous with constructivism Zielinski, 2016 Abualhaija et al. In 2019 it was agreed that this approach focuses on students who are central to society.