The Context of International Buyer-Seller Relationships Marketing Essay

Abstract. This article aims to explore the theoretical foundations of relationship marketing from the perspective of various author-related disciplines, thereby attempting a new perspective. The literature review focuses on the antecedents of the buyer-supplier relationship in the company. business B2B context with a specific focus on industrial buyers and sellers with a high. Buyer-seller similarity has been extensively studied in the marketing literature and is often used as a theoretical framework to study the dyadic relationships between sellers and buyers Coad et. In a long-term relationship between buyer and seller, the nature of exchange is relational, characterized by reliance on norms and shared values ​​(Dwyer, Schurr, & Oh, 1987). Ring and Van de Ven 1992 point to the importance of norms of equality as a basis for the development of trust, while Bradach and Eccles 1989, p; In a dyadic B2B relationship, firm involvement is positively associated with a firm's specific asset investment relative to its partner. 2.3. Relationship quality, specific asset investment, and loyalty collaboration behavior. Trust and commitment in a relationship are considered critical indicators of social exchange theory. Marketing capabilities enable the distributor company to act efficiently to reach the target market compared to its competitors. 5. This ability is related to the customer segment. Abstract. Notes The interdependence of buyer and seller is critical to industrial marketing. Industrial companies establish close long-term buyer-seller relationships. Investigates buyer-seller. The present review is an attempt to analyze and sort out its importance. culture in understanding global impulse purchasing behavior. These studies show that culture is a tool for one. What is Relationship Marketing Relationship marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to maximize profits by building strong relationships with customers and increasing their satisfaction with products and services. This strategy relies on customer relationships to drive business growth, as opposed to expanding the market,

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