Local Government Participation and Empowerment Political Essay

The participation of women in local government. is crucial for the legitimacy of decision-making. processes. When women participate in local. government, it increases the legitimacy of the. Other political reforms were related to more successful decentralization, such as strengthening political parties, banning the common practice of political defectors switching so easily from one party to another, making the anti-dynasty provision of the constitution self-executing , creating a democratic fund for campaign finance reforms , and expanding the, The significance of the study stems from the examination of various opportunities and challenges faced by women regarding political participation at the local government level. Local governance is one of the topics that have aroused interest among various actors in achieving good governance and development. Similarly, Odame also explored the different ways that can be used to increase women's participation in local government political leadership in the Greater Region. Accra region. Using the descriptive approach, the research was conducted by Assemblywomen and found several barriers militating against the participation of: What is local government and why is it important? Since the 1990s, we have witnessed a wave of decentralization worldwide, which is based on the idea of ​​making governance more participatory and inclusive. India also embraced this wave and amended its constitution with the intention of strengthening the grassroots level. As a radical political project, participatory democracy originally had a transformative dimension: the idea was indeed that participation could transform the unequal relations between the state and society and that it could contribute to the emancipation and empowerment of citizens in every area of ​​their daily lives. to live. Work, politics. While participation is intended to give citizens a meaningful role in local government decisions that affect them, accountability will enable citizens to hold a local government accountable for.

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