Explanations for the Collapse of the Soviet Union Political Essay

The collapse of the Soviet Union, which had supported the African National Congress, had little impact on developments in South Africa. The ANC was already the dominant emerging political force. The collapse of the Soviet Union was an important turning point in world history. It marked the end of the Cold War and a new beginning in the political world. Ultimately, it characterized the dominance of the US as the new superpower. The consequence of the dissolution of the Soviet Union affected the countries that emerged from the Soviet Union's localization policy and the almost complete expulsion of Russians from the administrative apparatuses of the Union republics, which brought about the avalanche-like sovereignization predetermined at the end of the 1950s. of s. The factor that accelerated this process was the poorly thought out chaotic policies. The collapse of the Soviet Union is widely seen as the result of the arms race and the Cold War, and the inability of the Soviet side to keep up with new technology. This book argues that the disintegration was primarily the result of two interrelated factors: the rise of the Soviet national republics and the manipulation of the new ones. The inability of the planned economy to meet expectations led to a boom in the unplanned economy. especially the black market. This in turn led to the growth of organized crime and corruption within the government. The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union examines the strengths, weaknesses and contradictions of the first Marxist state. The essentialist school of thought about Soviet politics then and now holds that the Soviet Union was a totalitarian system. This view has been challenged over the years and debate. The Commission on the History of Historiography presented, under Hungarian auspices, a series of articles under the title The Soviet System and Historiography, 1917-89: The Influence of Marxism-Leninism on the Historical Sciences, which focused directly on the collapse of the Communism. Although I have been a critic more often than a critic, the military power of the Soviet Union has been an abiding concern of American policymakers for more than forty years; its supposed threat is one of the great constants of the time. However, our understanding of that power and the perceived threat has changed dramatically as a direct result of Mikhail Gorbachev's program.,

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