Comparing the different theories of depression essay

Explanatory theories of depression. Depressive disorders cannot be explained by a single theory because many different variables are involved in their occurrence. There are a plethora of risk and protective factors related to biological, psychological, and social determinants related to the currently widely accepted theories of MDD pathogenesis, including the neurotransmitter and receptor hypothesis, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal HPA- as, Summary. Cognitive theories of depression assume that people's thoughts, inferences, attitudes, and interpretations, and the way they attend to and remember, 1. Introduction. Depression and suicide in adolescents are particularly important mental health issues in all societies, with the added concern that depression in adolescents may be a harbinger of a lifelong battle with mental illness 1,2,3. Adolescence heralds a rapid increase in mental disorders, including depression. Central to all these different theories, however, is the idea that unconscious forces and experiences during early childhood contribute to the development of depression in adult life. The first theory that will be examined is the theory of Sigmund Fraud, based on the essay 'Mourning and Melancholia'. The concept of stress generation is a powerful tool that is consistent with existing cognitive-behavioral theories of depression. In this brief commentary on the literature on stress generation in depression, we highlight several issues that we believe will help advance the field of stress generation. In concrete terms we discuss important. Abstract. Major depression is a mood disorder characterized by a feeling of inadequacy, despondency, decreased activity, pessimism, anhedonia and sadness, with these symptoms severely disrupting the mood. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung both write two separate psychodynamic theories of personality. Although former colleagues and even close friends once, disagreements about their studies led to arguments. After the split between Jung and Freud, Jung spoke about being in a suffocating atmosphere when it came to working with Freud. Between the hopelessness theory and other cognitive theories of depression, especially Beck's 1967 and 1987 theory, there is an important problem that needs to be resolved in the future. work is the extent to which biomedical theories take into account the possible biological causes of depression, which is a viable area of ​​research. For example, one of the theories currently being studied suggests that reduced neurogenesis in adults may be the cause of the condition. This problem can be solved with the help of antidepressants. Core symptoms of depression in Chinese adolescents and comparison between different genders and levels of depression : A network analysis approach DOI: 10.16719 j.cnki.1671-6981.20220512

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