Managing Change Initiative Motorola Essay

Here are some common ethical challenges organizations face when implementing and managing change. 1. Lack of Transparency: A common ethical challenge in change management is the lack of transparency, with organizations failing to openly communicate the reasons for change, the expected consequences and the need to succeed. Organizations today must become more innovative and agile to succeed. By nature, innovation and agility result in constant, ongoing organizational change, and managing those changes well is part of that. Innovation is a process of 'thought change as the main intention is to come up with new ideas' that can be implemented in the market. . There are different types of innovation. However, they all focus on developing the organization through new ideas and strategies. Innovation can be disruptive or supportive. Resistance pushes back against change, in the false hope that it might go away. And controllers find change overwhelming and isolating. By consciously examining how you approach change, you can adopt it. Change. To transform Shell, changes must be effectively placed in skills, shared values, measurement systems and information technology. Efficiency. At Shell, efficiency refers to working faster and often at measurably lower costs. Pure automation of manual tasks, resulting in efficiency gains. It helps Shell employees work faster and HRM plays a crucial role in minimizing this disruption and maximizing the chances of success for any change management initiative. HRM is responsible for ensuring that employees are aware of the following competencies. These competencies can distinguish between a triumphant change attempt and a failed one. “Managing change means having a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve, identifying and communicating with stakeholders and knowing how to deal with the different levels of support and resistance that will inevitably emerge in Abstract. Purpose - This article proposes a change agency perspective that builds on regenerative power. of language achieved through constant talking and conversations related to management. Conclusion: As a conclusion to this reflective journal, we can say that change is something very human. Being and organization continue with time. It is an important factor that every employee and every stakeholder takes into account in order to compete in the market. To ensure that the change process runs smoothly, change agents play a very important role.

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