Industrialization Experience of Britain and France History Essay

Britain's industrialization has always been at the center of the Great Divergence debate between Britain and China. Reading Patrick's essay, one must conclude that Britain was already quite exceptional and very different from China in several fundamental respects, long before it industrialized. The impact of the Industrial Revolution on Britain was wide and varied. Steam-powered machinery and the factory system caused the loss of traditional skilled jobs but created unskilled jobs. The coal, iron and steel industries flourished. Railroads were built everywhere and consumer goods became cheaper. The scramble for Africa has been aptly described as the golden age of European expansionism in the century. It was an era when the continents of Africa, Asia and the Middle Eastern states were brought under the control of European powers after the Berlin Conference of 1885. Eric Hobsbawm, one of the leading figures. The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain. The mechanized production of textiles spread from England to the European continent and the United States of America in the century. It signed an alliance with Great Britain, marking the arrival of Japan as a world power. Japan went to war with Russia and took the opportunity to show off its fully industrialized country.

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