Transgenic a blessing or curse biology essay

Researchers have found that the negative effects of gadgets and electronic media outweigh the positive ones. Some of the significant effects of gadgets on children's brain development and behavior are as follows: Not good for the brain: Excessive exposure to gadgets has been linked to attention deficit, ADHD hyperactivity disorder, cognitive delays and. Long social media Boon of Bane essay. Social media is the technological dream of the century and the reality of the century. Which help in providing information to the general public around the world with the click of a mouse. But unfortunately, social media, whose name itself precedes 'social', is one. After a detailed discussion on the applications of AI in healthcare, the following benefits can be summarized: Better patient outcomes. Simplified healthcare with better data-driven decisions. Lower healthcare costs. Screen diagnostic reports at the same level as radiologists. Drastic reduction in the number of readmissions.

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