Romeo and Juliet questions and answers essay

Expert answers. Shakespeare presents love in three ways in Romeo and Juliet. He presents it as something that happens at first sight, something that can overcome everything, and as something that is: What is Benvolio's advice to Romeo? Moving and getting a new girl: Why does Capulet think it will be easy for Montague and him? to keep the peace Because they are both old and tired: What does Paris ask of Capulet Juliet's hand in marriage. Get an answer to Why is Romeo considered a tragic hero in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and find homework help for other Romeo and Juliet Juliet Asks Questions at eNotes. This is the event that sets in motion the final events of the play. To enable Juliet to avoid marrying Paris, the Friar arranges a plot to put Juliet in a state of death until Romeo can. Romeo expresses his love for Rosaline by weeping, moping and describing her poetically. Romeo's relationship with Rosaline is one of the great ironies of Romeo and Juliet. When the play starts. Get an answer to What evidence proves Friar Laurence's guilt in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, and find homework help for other Romeo and Juliet questions on eNotesDramatic irony occurs when the audience is aware of something that the other character isn't. In this case, we are aware that Juliet is not actually dead, but merely awakened from an hours-long sleep. Expert answers. In his final, heartbreaking monologue, Romeo states that love and death are closely linked. Just as death is not the end, Romeo and Juliet will live on together in the next life. Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet comes from at least three different sources. The first was possibly found in Greece as early as the fourth century. Then an Italian name Luigi da Porto.

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