What is integrated marketing communications? essay

Due to the interdisciplinary complex nature of the Integrated Marketing Communications IMC concept, which only emerged thirty years ago and has continued to emerge in the communications field ever since. Follow these steps to build your marketing communications strategy. Please note that this is not intended to be a weeks-long process and a document of just a few pages. It should be an easy-to-reference, clear document that guides your marketing activities across all your channels. 1. Identify your target group. In short, IMC is reorienting marketing around the customer, that's the most important part, and by marketing we mean: selection of marketing channels. Message selection. Brand identity and creative. Consistent communication at every touchpoint, before and after the purchase. It seems we use the word integrated because there are so few. Integrated Marketing Communications IMC refers to the overall approach to marketing communications. The main objective of an organization adopting such an approach in its marketing communications strategy is to ensure that there is consistency in the advertising message used across the different media. Organizations use both online, Abstract. The role of marketing communications in advanced economies can hardly be underestimated. The sheer volume of media communication is staggering, and its effects are ongoing. The purpose of this article is to comprehensively review the literature of the provocative concept – Integrated Marketing Communications IMC. The argument is that marketing itself and marketing communication concepts evolve. The development of integrated marketing communications is illustrated by structural marketing. Integrated marketing is a strategy for delivering a unified message across all the marketing channels your brand uses. It ensures consistency wherever customers choose to interact with a business; Advertising is one of the important elements of integrated marketing communications. It's the part that involves getting the word out about your company, product or the services you offer. Advertising and marketing are key elements for a company's success. One cannot be used without the other. Here's essentially the gist: Integrated Marketing Communications IMC is a strategic approach that involves harmonizing and synchronizing all marketing and communications efforts, tools, channels and resources within an organization. By seamlessly combining different elements of the marketing mix, IMC strives to create a unified and impactful program that is effective,

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