The practice and impact of situated learning essay
For example, the situated learning approach is concerned with the impact that students have on each other, but the way in which this type of interaction occurs may be under-researched. The networked learning approach reveals some of the channels through which interactions take place and identities are formed Mackey amp Evans, 2011. This article provides empirical insight into the social complexity of practically supporting the knowledge creation processes within a project environment. It helps address a knowledge gap in the project management, organizational learning and knowledge management literature regarding the dynamics of situated learning; Sample Essay Content Preview: Situated LearningName:Institution:Course Code:Date: It is said that students are more likely to learn and understand something through their active participation and contribution to the learning experience. This way of learning ensures that the student can attach meaning and sometimes emotions. The Situated Learning S in MEPS consists of the implementation of the TIMs revised in real classrooms and involves monitoring and analyzing children's learning and outcomes. The. The overall analysis and debate presented in this essay is that while both situated and networked approaches have advantages, a combined approach of the two methodologies will enhance the learning experience for both the student and the teacher. We will write a custom essay on your topic, tailored to your instructions. Learning in a professional environment also helps students understand the purposes and applications of their new knowledge Collins et al. 1989. This type of learning can be defined as situated learning (Lave) and because it is characterized by the important role of the social environment in which students learn to apply their skills. Within situated learning and organizational practice, reflection-in-action becomes an important social process. Thus, when designing for a situated learning environment, opportunities for social interaction must be built in. Within a social context, a reflective practitioner develops interactive methods to approach new approaches. This study used multiple data sources to explore the beliefs about science learning and teaching and the instructional practices of five novice teachers and seven experienced teachers. Introduction. Learning is a continuous process in which information and experience are converted into skills and knowledge. In my opinion, learning is a two-way process involving the learner and the educator, leading to both knowledge acquisition and skills. It informs my education sector because, for example, the situated learning approach is concerned with the impact that students have on each other, but the way in which this type of interaction takes place may remain underexposed. The networked learning approach reveals some of the channels through which interactions take place and identities are formed. Mackey & Newby, 2011. Ertmer and Newby 2013 view learning as a lasting change in behavior, or in the ability to behave in a certain way, resulting in from practice or other forms of experience, p. The authors describe the theoretical foundations of situated learning, including principles of learning transfer, cognitive apprenticeships, authentic learning activities, and communities of practice. This finding, called the retrieval practice effect or the testing effect, has been demonstrated in more studies spanning more than a century43,44 and is also considered.