The use of animals in laboratory research essay

The increasing demand for high-quality animal models together with a critical view of the use of animals led to the development of Laboratory Animal Science in s, a field that can do this. From rabbits to dogs: animals are often used as test subjects in research to increase scientific knowledge and develop new medicines. However, the ethical implications of using animals in research cannot be ignored. While proponents argue that animals are crucial to the development of new medicines, opponents argue that this is the case. Separating the scientific and ethical arguments for modernizing medical research may now be an artificial distinction. The ability of medical research to benefit patients is obviously an ethical issue, and therefore animal research involves both human and animal ethical considerations. Governments and other organizations that use public funds to They also claim that most carnal research shows that medical treatments actually abuse the living beings in laboratory research. Research studies have shown that more millions of living beings are experimented in laboratory research every year to acquire a better medical specialty for humans, Andre amp A, Valesque, and. The fact that neurobiological research depends on laboratory-reared rodents is well known. The following article discusses this topic broadly, but also aims to highlight other species used in the study of the nervous system and the evolution of animal species use from the end of World War II through recent research. The use of non-human animals in biomedical research has made important contributions to the medical advances made in our time, but has also sparked heated public, scientific and international debate. According to the USDA, fiscal farm animals such as pigs, sheep, goats and cattle are used in USDA-regulated research. In addition to these traditional farm animals, controlled research studies with captive animals are becoming increasingly important. Topic sentence: The first argument that is a popular benefit of using animals is testing for medical treatments: this has led to several life-saving treatments and cures. Evidence cited: California Biomedical Research Association 2013 found that a large majority of medical breakthroughs over the years have been due to its use. In the long term, animals will continue to be used for testing in laboratories until the value of the practice declines. “The benefits of animal research have been enormous and it would have serious consequences for public health and medical research if it were stopped.” Festing and Wilkinson, np.

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