Comparison of Utilitarianism and Rationalism Philosophy Essay

It is possible to identify the following objections to utilitarianism: 1. Utilitarianism has an inadequate theory of value; 2. Utilitarianism allows abhorrent. Utilitarianism is one of the most powerful and convincing approaches to normative ethics in the history of philosophy. Although only fully formulated, this article argues that the Categorical Imperative is a moral guideline designed to help an individual choose the right decision and perform the right tasks, while the utilitarian do. 1. Classical utilitarianism. The paradigm of consequentialism is utilitarianism, whose classical proponents were Jeremy Bentham 1789, John Stuart Mill, Get custom essay. This article will contrast two major ethical theories, primarily the theory of 'utilitarianism', which was brought to light by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, versus the 'deontology' theory argued by Immanuel Kant. The argument that will be discussed in this article will be one that centers on the issue of pleasure. Using utilitarianism to make moral decisions is undoubtedly more harmful to a society than helpful. The basis on which utilitarianism is founded, 'happiness' or 'pleasure', indeed appears to be the first stumbling block. The 'paradox of hedonism' suggests that pleasure itself cannot be obtained directly. In conclusion, idealism and realism are two philosophical theories that have been debated for centuries. They have both had a significant impact on philosophy and science, and their implications extend to our everyday lives. Idealism emphasizes the mental or spiritual nature of reality, while realism focuses on the physical and material,

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