Pre-Service Teachers and Classroom Discipline Education Essay

Initial teacher training is one of the most important aspects of any teacher's education curriculum as it prepares student teachers to become qualified teachers in the future. Assessing student writing assignments and providing effective feedback are complex pedagogical skills that teacher candidates must master. The scant literature has carefully examined the type of feedback that pre-service secondary school teachers spontaneously provide when assessing students' writing. years of training. This study examined pre-service teachers' perceptions of the barriers to their efforts in promoting critical thinking skills in the classroom, and further explored possible solutions to overcome these perceived barriers.1. Principles of disciplinary education. Education is the first principle in the implementation of disciplinary law. Teachers should not punish for the sake of punishing, they should teach, show love and patience. Students are more curious, but tend to have weaker self-control, which can lead to mistakes. Promoting classroom discipline and controlling student behavior requires action on the part of the teacher. This action should be supportive as well as quick, firm and assertive. McDaniel, 1994. The elements of discipline, management, behavior and misconduct are all facets of a lassoer setting that must be understood through teaching practice, also known as teaching. Internship or practicum is a transformative period during which student teachers gain valuable experience, refine pedagogical skills, and learn to perform. Worldwide, teacher pre-service systems suffer from a high degree of variability, especially in lower-income countries. For example, in Sub-Saharan Africa, Cape Verde and South Africa, a one-year teaching mandate, many teachers in the region, both on contract and volunteer basis, enter classrooms without any form of discipline. Discipline brings strength and design to one's life. It encourages an individual to be trustworthy and respectful. The recognition of clear guidelines is the starting point of society. It elevates great human behavior to a better society and makes it a more pleasant place to live for everyone. For the learning environment, we tracked the competencies of student teachers, how they make their students feel accepted and cared for and how they create the classroom. Critical thinking is an important life skill that needs to be nurtured in the minds of young people during the years of primary education. This study examined preservice teachers' perceptions of the barriers to their efforts to promote critical thinking skills in the classroom, and further explored possible solutions to overcome these perceived barriers. While the possibilities are promising, there is still much to learn about how PreK will use AI in the classroom. Today's student teachers graduate with limited exposure to AI.

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