Treatment Options for Bipolar Affective Disorder Psychology Essay

Prolonged sadness. irritability or anxiety. lethargy and lack of energy. lack of interest in normal activities. major changes in eating and sleeping habits. difficulty concentrating. feelings of. Bipolar disorder, previously called manic depression, is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings, including emotional peak mania or hypomania and depression. When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. Psychological evaluation. This includes talking about your thoughts, feelings and behavior. You may complete a questionnaire. This evaluation can help determine whether you have persistent depressive disorder or another condition that can affect mood, such as major depression, bipolar disorder, or seasonal affective disorder. Major depressive disorder is characterized by symptoms such as sadness, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, difficulty concentrating, and changes in sleep and appetite. Causes include brain chemistry, genetics and environmental factors. There are treatments available that can help, including therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. Guideline statements a. Assessment and determination of the treatment plan. The APA recommends 1C that the initial assessment of a patient with a possible psychotic disorder include the reason the person presents for evaluation, the patient's goals and preferences for treatment, a review of psychiatric symptoms and trauma history, and Bipolar I Disorder Primer Bipolar I disorder is a mental disorder characterized by episodes of very elevated or irritable mood, known as mania. Individuals may also present with decreased sleep, grandiosity, talkativeness, racist thoughts, and indiscretion or risk-taking behavior. In some presentations the mood can change a lot. Statistics. Bipolar disorders are about a third as common as depression and less than half as common as ADHD. Diagnosed in 6 of adults -3 in youth 48.8 Bipolar disorders BDs are recurrent and sometimes chronic mood disorders that affect the global population and span a spectrum between severe elevated and irritable mood states, mania, dysphoria, low energy and despondency of depressive episodes. The disease usually begins in young adults and, Introduction. Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive complications, is a mood or brain disorder that affects the changes in personal behavior, feelings, thoughts and perceptions that lead to abnormal shifts in a person's energy, mood and ability to function Huxley, 2002 These changes are generally different from those of Schizoaffective disorders, one of the most commonly misdiagnosed psychiatric disorders in clinical practice. 1 Some researchers have even proposed revisions to the diagnostic criteria, and others have suggested that the literature review describes the clinical features of bipolar affective disorder BAD. Difficulties in diagnosing BAD due to the complex clinical picture that provokes untimely diagnosis and the formation of an unfavorable course of the disease are examined in detail. The data on mental disorders should be distinguished from BAD. There are four main types of bipolar disorder grouped under the bipolar spectrum: Bipolar I disorder. disorder. cyclothymia. bipolar disorder not otherwise specified. These species. By means of.

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