Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health essay

All cases developed toxic optic neuropathy of the retrobulbar type after initiation of ethambutol treatment. In patients it was reversible in patients taking the average daily dose of Ethambutol. kg and this high dose could have been the primary cause for the development of ethambutol-induced optic neuropathy. Very few studies 20,21 have described the involvement of the optic chiasmal on MRI in patients with EMB-induced toxic optic neuropathy. Osaguona et al reported a case with hyperintense signal in the optic chiasm on brain MRI. Geyer et al. also documented a case with a hyperintense signal in the chiasm and proximal optic pathways due to: Due to the multitude of medicinal agents that can induce toxic optic neuropathy, only ethambutol will be discussed in this publication as it is the drug is that most often causes optics. Course: In summary, this is a one year old female with a history of Mycobacterium avium intracellular MAI treated with ethambutol months mg kg day and months mg kg day, now with subacute bilateral central vision loss, with associated bilateral temporal optic disc pallor.OCT was obtained , Resume. Despite the recent developments of OCT in neuro-ophthalmology, its use for diagnosing and monitoring nutritional and toxic optic neuropathies is still limited due to the lack of powerful, longitudinal studies. Small series have suggested that OCT may be useful in several acute phase toxic optic neuropathies, revealing that many of the drug-induced toxic neuropathies present with similar clinical symptoms. EMB causes a dose-dependent toxic optic neuropathy in which patients often present with visual symptoms - after starting the drug. Some believe that the first sign of visual dysfunction is dyschromatopsia, especially blue-yellow. Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy LHON is a mitochondrial genetic disorder that often leads to acute and dramatic bilateral vision loss in young adults. LHON was first characterized by Dr. Albrecht von Graefe and officially took its name from the work of Dr. Theodor Leber, who studied and reported a detailed account of the disease. The clinical presentation of toxic optic neuropathies is similar to their nutritional counterpart: painless and bilateral visual loss with centrocecal scotomas and dyschromatopsia. Distinguishing features are that toxic optic neuropathies can result in total blindness and that the rate of vision loss varies depending on the offending agent. Toxic substances or side effects on various medications, such as. as well as nutritional deficiencies. The hereditary view. Neuropathies can occur in different forms depending on the condition. about the type of genetic transmission. Ref A: 6625bbc74cf54ed590b1c3d514bf B: DUBEEAP0000E C: 2024-04-22T01:22:15Z Ethambutol Toxic Optic Neuropathy Health Essay Ref A. The three subcategories of metabolic optic neuropathies are • Heredodegenerative such as Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy. • Nutritional deficiencies such as B vitamin folic acid. • Toxicities such as ethambutol or cyanide. Metabolic optic neuropathies. 3. Optic neuropathies. 4.

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