Studies and literature on the nursing care of surgical wounds essay

Wound care practices: a survey of acute care nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Descriptive cross-sectional study design. Sample: 250, acute Australia: total. Respondents reported that “the appearance of the wound” was the most important factor in choosing the dressing product. Nursing is an integral part of healthcare and includes this. the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of. nursing procedures 3. Nursing includes the protection of health, the. Evidence-based medicine EBM, aptly defined in, is now part of established practice and no one can deny that it has raised the standard of medicine in Britain and around the world where it is recognised, maintained and practiced . made effective. It is of course logical that guidelines and protocols for clinical practice should be established. Significance: The incidence of pressure ulcers is increasing due to the aging of the population and the increase in the number of elderly people with disabilities. Learning to deal with pressure ulcers correctly is becoming increasingly important for all wound care professionals. Recent developments: Many new dressings and treatment modalities have been developed. Two studies from Finland and the United Kingdom noted how acute care nurses emphasized the importance of a range of accurate wound assessments, including wound appearance, wound type, wound measurements and pain on the wound assessment of the patient's health status and applying a holistic approach. 37 In contrast, optimal wound care and treatment in the postoperative phase is essential to prevent the potential development of complications, including surgical site infections and wound dehiscence. The goal of wound care after surgery is to support rapid healing, prevent the development of complications and achieve results. The results showed that nurses in surgical wards provide non-special stoma care due to lack of sufficient knowledge and skills and lack of up-to-date care. current and local clinical guidelines that are essential to provide evidence-based scientific care and prevent unwarranted and arbitrary care. Keywords: Iran, nurse, stoma, qualitative research.

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