A Study on Water Quality Parameters Biology Essay

The study looked at a combination of users' perceptions with the measured water quality parameters, determined using the water quality index WQI tool. Data were collected using a cross-sectional, ABSTRACT. This is a basic investigation of the physical and chemical conditions of water in an artificial lake, Southwestern Nigeria. It was performed between. and Exposure to chemicals in drinking water can lead to a range of chronic diseases, for example cancer and cardiovascular disease, adverse reproductive outcomes and effects on child health, for example neurodevelopment, among other health effects. 3 Although drinking water quality is regulated and monitored in many countries, the color of Dal Lake tends more toward blue-green, indicating a plankton bloom. Key indicator of a. plankton bloom, increased DO and pH This water color is due to dominance. The sources of water samples used in this experiment included Fiji water, Anacostia, rock creek, and swimming pool water. The samples appeared clean and fresh. The pH of water from the four different sources was. Furthermore, only the Fiji water tested positive for iron, chlorine and metal ions, while the others tested negative. The aim of the study is to evaluate various water quality parameters of sewage from Agro-Industries of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. The water samples were collected from various companies.

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