Eicosanoids and cyclooxygenase enzymes Biology essay

Specific eicosanoids identified to play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis appear to originate primarily from endothelial cells, epithelial cells, and myeloid-derived granulocytes. The three pathways responsible for eicosanoid production are recognized by the enzymes involved, such as: Cyclooxygenase enzymes: regulation and function. This review discusses how two separate catalytic processes in COX work in an integrated manner to generate prostaglandin synthase and why irreversible inactivation of COX is constitutively and pharmacologically important and how cells have managed to use two of them intimately. Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are potent eicosanoid lipid mediators derived from phospholipase-released arachidonic acid and are involved in numerous homeostatic biological functions and inflammation. They are generated by cyclooxygenase isozymes -lipoxygenase, and their biosynthesis, respectively, and in eicosanoid biosynthesis the bifunctional COXs catalyze two different sequential reactions (Fig. 1) that take place at physically different sites within the catalytic domain: after release of AA by a phospholipase PL The first reaction is a bis-oxygenation, in which two molecules are introduced into the carbon skeleton of AA. Arachidonic acid ARA is -carbon chain, omega-6 n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid PUFA, biochemically referred to as all - cis -5,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid. In all eukaryotes, ARA is naturally found in the phospholipids of the cell membrane, giving it fluidity and flexibility so necessary for function. See, free biology essay examples and ideas for short and extended biology essays. Learn how to start a biology essay and other tips. Enzymes must be in the right form to function properly. The contribution of cyclooxygenase-derived eicosanoids to antihypertensive mechanisms in angiotensin-dependent and angiotensin-independent forms of hypertension has been previously reviewed. 1,2 efforts in this area have been suboptimal because the pharmacological tools available to disrupt PGE formation, Cyclooxygenase, are required to convert arachidonic acid to thromboxanes, prostaglandins and prostacyclins. The therapeutic effects of NSAIDs are attributed to the lack of these eicosanoids. In particular, thromboxanes play a role in platelet adhesion, prostaglandins cause vasodilation and increase the temperature set point in the bloodstream. In this essay, we provide a comprehensive update on the biology and molecular biology of prostaglandins PGs and other eicosanoids in insects. Phospholipase. is the first biochemical step in eicosanoid biosynthesis. Cellular and secretory types, similar to those of vertebrates, have been identified and specific eicosanoids found to play a role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis appear to originate primarily from endothelial and epithelial cells. and myeloid-derived granulocytes 15, 16. The three pathways responsible for eicosanoid production are recognized by the enzymes involved, such as,

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