Strategies for the Increasing Number of Ell Students Education Essay

1. A photo says more than a thousand words: A photo is understandable in any language. For English learners who may not understand everything a teacher says, an image can help clarify. To fill this gap, this study examined high school students' vocabulary use in writing English essays. The target words are among the most common words in academic settings. 2. Students read. Students work in pairs and switch off reading, reading along while their partner reads. 3. Students read again. Students read their piece of text a second time because repeated reading increases fluency and comprehension. 4. Students decide what it means. “Four Square” Michele Morgan has written IEPs and behavior plans to help students have more successful years. She is a nationally board certified teacher, Utah Teacher Fellow with Hope. 6. Write quickly. Not every piece students write needs to be long. In fact, fast, daily writing is an effective way for English learners to practice writing in a low-stress environment. Writing long essays and pages can be intimidating for students learning the structures of the English language.

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