Someone I admire essay

Example: who inspires you: your father. My father is someone who has inspired me throughout my life and is the reason I got into the marketing industry. When he started a small local marketing company, it grew to include clients across the state.Download. It is difficult to choose just one person because we can admire many people in our lives. I like to admire someone. We have the motivation to get better. In some cases it is good. On the other hand, it can be a tragedy if we have a bad model, because our models very often impress us. When I was little, I admired Britney. French A card Examples “Describe a person you admire”: Cue. Parlez of a person you admire, critical, sporty, actor, singer, political person. nom, ge, nationalit, activit · D crivez-le la physique. Dites pourquoi vous l'admirez. Cue. D crivez votre professor. They inspire us, guide us and shape our values ​​and ambitions. Of the many people I have met, the person I admire most is undoubtedly my mother. She is not only the most important figure in my life, but also a source of unwavering love, wisdom and inspiration. In this essay I will go into more detail about the qualities and. Person you admire. One person I would like to introduce is my neighbor: Alice. She leads a wonderful family life, she is always cheerful and happy. She has been married for years and has a one-year-old daughter named Margaret. Alice is a beautiful, tall woman with soft, pale skin and long brown hair. Elon Musk is an engineer and technology entrepreneur, who has changed the technological game of the present. That is why I am convinced that Musk should be written into the history books so that he will still be remembered in a hundred years. There are many reasons why Musk should be put on a pedestal, including his innovative thinking, dedication and: When I asked myself who has had the most substantial influence on me, the most obvious answer would be my parents. It took me about thirty years to understand that their influence shaped me into who I am today. Since my mother is a housewife, she has always taken good care of us. She is the nicest mother ever. My mother is the one who is always there, the person I can count on, the one who will never turn her back on me. The one who supports me, helps me, sympathizes, hugs, kisses, gives me confidence, comforts, listens, makes me laugh, cheers me up and dries my tears. She will definitely be the one I always admire and love the most. Essay on the person I admire most Introduction. In life we ​​meet many people who inspire us with their actions, words or simply by being themselves. The person I admire most is my grandmother. She is like a bright star in my life and guides me with her wisdom, love and strength. Someone I admire is Desmond Doss. Doss was born in Virginia, USA. He was an army doctor in World War II and fought in the Battle of Guam, the Battle of Leyte and the Battle of Okinawa. I admire Doss for his beliefs as a conscientious objector and that he believed that killing other people was a contradiction. Order a Custom Essay Someone I Admire with Free Plagiarism Report. She is often bossy, but unfailingly dutiful and loyal to her friends. A person you can count on. Hermione is a person who never strays from the path. She always keeps her attention focused on the job at hand. Hermione has an extremely compassionate side,

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