Quitting Smoking in Kuwait Essay on Health and Social Care

4. Damage to health caused by smoking. Smoking damages almost every organ of the body. It causes lung cancer, respiratory disease and cardiovascular disease, as well as many cancers in other organs. The factors that influence smoking behavior among young adult women include the desire to be accepted and to be part of a group of peers, parents or relatives who currently smoke, a strong desire to try cigarettes, glamorous media advertisements about cigarettes and the belief that smoking is not harmful to health; Short advisory interventions. Brief smoking cessation advice from a healthcare professional is effective in promoting smoking cessation. This form of advice, mainly from GPs, advises smokers to stop smoking for months. is in addition to the number of who would have stopped, minutes, your heart rate and blood pressure drop. the carbon monoxide level in your blood falls to normal. 2 - your circulation improves and your lung function increases. 1 - reduce coughing and shortness of breath. your risk of coronary heart disease is about half that of a smoker. In Community Pharmacy England, the Department of Health and Social Care DHSC and NHS England have agreed a five-year deal for community pharmacies, including piloting a smoking cessation referral service from secondary care and, if successful, in 2021 22 to to implement such a service nationally. The Tobacco Control Plan for England, published by the Department of Health and Social Care, defines a smoke-free generation as smoking prevalence being equal to or lower than . It also includes the national ambitions set out by the Government, which will help focus tobacco control across the system to achieve this. In Europe, smoking during and after pregnancy is still common among socio-economically disadvantaged women. Nurses caring for these women can play a key role in smoking cessation, but face many challenges in providing support. This investigation. Purpose of the Review Social media platforms have the potential to reach large audiences and provide intervention content in an interactive format. Yet little is known about the effectiveness of social media in treating smoking cessation, or about which specific features best promote participant engagement and behavior change. This article attempts, Background: Millions of Chinese, mostly men, die annually from tobacco-related diseases, but fewer Chinese smokers ever achieve any form of smoking cessation. Objective: This study aimed to test the preliminary effectiveness and feasibility of a mobile social network on WeChat-based smoking. INTRODUCTION. Smoking is a serious public health problem worldwide. It has taken on the dimension of an epidemic causing massive disability, illness and death. Tobacco use leads to more than one million preventable deaths worldwide every year. Furthermore, at the current rate, the number of such deaths is expected to increase. VBA: PHE has commissioned an online training course on providing brief smoking advice from the National Center for Smoking Cessation and Training, and this is available free of charge to all health services. Smoking cessation medications can ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce appetite. They are most effective when used as part of a comprehensive smoking cessation program, supervised by your doctor. Talk to your doctor about your options and whether an anti-smoking medication,

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