Maritime forces in the history of the Arabian Sea

The Force 150, commanded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, seized a shipment of drugs from an unidentified sailboat in the international waters of the Arabian Sea, which was the largest operation carried out by the International Maritime Force in that area was carried out. However, it was not the first time that drugs were seized. Dramatic drone footage of Indian commandos hunting pirates after an attack in the Arabian Sea illustrates New Delhi's significant expansion of a muscular naval force that reflects global ambitions, analysts say. The commandos, deployed this month from an Indian-built warship after an attempted hijacking of a trading mass, have also seen India expand its force into the Arabian Sea, at a time when rival Asian power China “has been more cautious in its response, given his concerns not to disrupt its recent development. For example, Prime Minister Modi and President Barack Obama said in a joint statement: “We affirm the importance of safeguarding maritime security and ensuring freedom of navigation and overflight throughout the region, especially in the South China Sea. Former Indian Navy chief DK Joshi said dramatic drone footage of Indian commandos hunting pirates after an attack in the Arabian Sea illustrates New Delhi's significant expansion of a muscular maritime force that reflects global ambitions, analysts say. The commandos were deployed this month from an Indian-built warship after an attempted hijacking of a merchant ship,

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