The history of South Africa's politics essay

A brief history of South African democracy. South Africa's democratic system is relatively new and arises from the country's complex history of colonialism, apartheid and a long struggle for freedom. Although democracy in South Africa remains flawed, it was hard won. After centuries of oppression by colonialism and the ANC, the ANC won the elections and Nelson Mandela became the first president of the South African Democratic Country. The elections were held DeKlerk and Thabo Mbheki became vice president. Therefore, the compromises, negotiations and leadership made South Africa a democratic country. MIT political scientist Evan Lieberman's new book, "Until We Have Won Our Liberty," examines the state of South Africa a quarter century after it became a multiracial democracy. Back in the country, the world witnessed a remarkable event: South Africa's first democratic elections with universal suffrage. The country whose Apartheid. This chapter tells the complex, nuanced story of South African democracy, focusing on the presidencies as pivotal points in this history. It follows the years of democracy, starting with Mandela's election as president and ending with Cyril Ramaphosa's presidency. Along the way the trials and tribulations of South Africa,

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