Build brand loyalty among consumers in Thailand Marketing Essay

The purchase intention will arise after consumers are loyal to the brand Jai et al. 2022. Loyal consumers will commit to the brand and they can do word of mouth advertising and become supporters. Brand loyalty is the commitment a customer feels toward a brand that drives them to consistently purchase its products and/or services regardless of competitors, price or convenience. Everyone has brands, originality value. Brand personality has received much attention from both academics and practitioners, but there is a lack of research on Halal brand personality in marketing, especially its relationship with brand loyalty. To the authors' knowledge, this study presents the first empirical test of the direct effect. Furthermore, young people are often seen as early adopters of many digital and direct media technologies, according to last year's Buckingham Report on the commercial world and children. Direct marketers who do proper research and work aimed at children and families may be able to build future brand loyalty among young people. Building strong customer relationships and loyalty is becoming increasingly important for companies in today's rapidly changing marketing environment1,2. Developing sustainable brand loyalty has received such mind-boggling attention because it helps companies develop advantages that are viable in the markets. It has been observed that in the current era, marketers need to develop brand strategies for commodity products such as milk packaging brands by investing and strengthening its supply chain system, to create and increase.

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