Should media ownership be regulated? Media essay

The court praised the idea of ​​self-regulation by the media, but emphasized that such mechanisms should be more effective in curbing unethical behavior. The SC has issued a notice to the NBDA and other relevant parties to look into improving the regulatory framework. The court highlighted the need to examine whether the: A look at some of the key features of the legal and regulatory framework governing the media sector in Ireland, including broadcast licensing requirements, ownership restrictions and advertising. Resume. Media ownership is important for journalistic research because of the assumption that ownership can have an impact. of the content and practice of journalism. Taking ownership of news media. This piece first appeared on The Conversation. Over the past week, Silicon Valley has faced renewed calls for greater regulation of social media platforms amid the growing Russia scandal. The latest set of cross-media ownership law changes prohibits an individual from controlling more than two media, namely radio, TV and newspapers in a licensed territory.

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