There are audit factors that come into consideration Accounting essay

Most researchers have viewed tenure as a factor that negatively affects auditors and independence. Abu Bakar et al. 2005 Alleynes et al. 2006. Tenure can lead to friendship with the audit client and ensure that the auditor ignores deficiencies that have a significant material impact on the FS Moore et al. 2006. In the audit work required to identify and appropriately assess the risks of material misstatement, both external and company-specific factors are taken into account. In an integrated audit, the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements are the same for both the audit of internal control over financial control and My ambition to be an accountant. Accounting is a crucial field that plays a crucial role in the business world. Accountants are responsible for ensuring that companies operate within legal and financial guidelines, and keep track of their financial transactions. As such, accountants are highly regarded professionals in the industry. A related objective of this article is to shed light on audit failures by Big N and non-Big N auditors separately. We see that the audit failure rate is lower for Big N auditors than for non-Big auditors. Accounting standards are an important factor for any business or sole proprietorship. It creates a safer business market for traders to trade in by following the rules and regulations that standardize and result in efficient transactions within the market environment Berry, 1999. 2. Framework: When countries move towards,

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