Research on Ego Defense Mechanisms Psychology Essay

The concept of defense mechanisms has its origins in psychoanalytic theory. Defense mechanisms are believed to protect the ego from emotional pain through the distortion of the unconscious mind. Learn about the key human mechanisms of psychological defense from a comprehensive and schematic perspective. Download the PDF for free on ResearchGate. This essay delves into the complexity of ego defense mechanisms and explores their different types, functions, and implications for human behavior and mental well-being. Overview of Ego Defense Mechanisms Ego defense mechanisms are unconscious psychological processes that operate at different levels of consciousness. In the nineteenth century, Sigmund Freud initiated the discussion about defense mechanisms with regard to the subconscious defense of the id, ego and superego Bailey amp Pico, 2021. Defense mechanisms involve a form of distortion of reality, so that we can cope better with a cope with the situation. Defense mechanisms work like our, Introduction. The psychodynamic concept of defense mechanisms, defined as automatic psychological mechanisms that mediate the individual's response to emotional conflict and to internal or external stressors (American Psychiatric Association, 2013 Perry, 2014), has been extensively studied since it first appeared in Freud's Abstract . The COVID-19 crisis has had a wide range of negative physical and mental consequences. This review begins with a theoretical explanation of the psychological defense mechanisms used to cope with the pandemic. It then discusses various categories of defense mechanisms and their role in managing their consequences. This article discusses the highly adaptive, mature defense mechanisms, along with case material illustrating each. These defenses are described not only in terms of the specific means by which they ward off fear and manage conflict, but also how they often go beyond their role as defenses by contributing to the creation of new ones. Sigmund Freud, serves as a cornerstone for understanding human behavior and mental processes. Psychoanalysis focuses primarily on the subconscious mind. It is here that Freud believed that our most deeply held desires and fears reside and often influence our conscious thoughts and actions. We used the German version of the Defense Style Questionnaire DSQ-40. to analyze psychological defense mechanisms. The self-report instrument is a shortened version of the Defense Style Questionnaire presented by Andrews, Pollock, and Stewart and is widely used and studied. The DSQ-40, in this video I will talk about Ego defense mechanism according to psychodynamic perspectives: repression, denial, reaction formation and projection. This video is.

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