Organ transplantation and philosophy of Islam essay

If the substance for us is 'Tahir', meaning it is pure, then it is permissible to take their organ. “If the animal is unclean like the pig, the scholars of Islam say it is haram and it is not permissible to perform the transplant if there is an alternative choice,” the sheikh said. He adds that when debating animals, scholars. Issues surrounding organ transplantation in general and kidney transplantation in particular are fraught with ethical dilemmas due to the shortage of organs and the logistics behind their procurement. Although some scholars are in favor of selling human organs in markets for the sole purpose of saving human lives24, 32 33 34 35, many Islamic institutions, as well as the vast majority of them, are in favor of selling human organs in markets. Abstract. Organ transplantation has evolved over the years from experimental and heroic to the treatment of choice for many terminal diseases of vital organs, such as biliary atresis, which would require a liver transplant, or pulmonary fibrosis, which would require a heart-lung transplant. Many more older, chimeric organs have now been created from human stem cells and implanted into host animals such as pigs and monkeys. Wu et al. 2017 Tan et al. 2021 Therefore, this article will explore the Islamic bioethical perspective on the use of mixed organs composed of human and pig cells for organ transplantation to help patients in need of new organs. Abstract. Recently there has been a medical breakthrough in the field of organ transplantation. In the US, a pig heart has been transplanted to a man who died shortly after. I, of the people, will say. Seeking treatment in Islam. Organ transplantation is a new treatment method that has been proven to save lives and/or improve the quality of people's lives. Islam encourages us to seek cures and treatments for all ailments. The donation of an organ is an act of charity and Allah loves those who are charitable and help. Organ transplantation has been accepted as a treatment modality that improves patient suffering from end-stage organ failure. There is a large gap between the supply of organs and the demand for organs, resulting in a very long waiting time for organ transplantation and an increasing number of deaths among patients on the waiting list. Of the religious officials surveyed, 92.5 claimed that the religion of Islam had a positive attitude towards organ donation and transplantation,55 and stated that the knowledge of religious officials is present in practice. Because Arabic remains the dominant language for such debates, discussions and publications, little is known about the implications of Islam on organ transplantation in the broader international context. . The views of Muslim lawyers within the Sunni tradition on organ transplantation are discussed, including various forms of bone grafts, autograft, allograft and xenograft for widely fractured bones. This article provides an overview of the positions of Muslim lawyers within the Sunni tradition on organ transplantation. Muslim lawyers allowed different Islamic legal and ethical views on organ transplantation and donation. Zygon r 38 3 725 - 734. DOI: 10.1111 1467-9744.00531. Authors: Ghulam-Haider Aasi. To read the full text.

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