Symbols of Laura in the Glass Menagerie Essay

Quick answer: the play is about Laura, a crippled girl who lives in the American Midwest with her mother and brother. She tries to find a way to escape her. In addition to the glass menagerie, especially the glass unicorn, which symbolizes Laura's vulnerability and capricious feelings, the glass further symbolizes her hiddenness. The three characters of the Wingfield family, Amanda, Tom, and Laura each represent a different facet of humanity and are therefore the ultimate form of symbolism in the play. The characters in the play, Laura's glass menagerie, are an important symbol. Laura does not want to be involved in the universe outside this “dark, grim” flat in which she lives with her female parent, a “proud, vibrant adult woman, Amanda,” and her brother “Tom, an aspiring poet and shoemaker.” warehouseman. Laura Wingfield character analysis. Tom Wingfield seems to be the central character of Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie, but his shy sister Laura captures readers' attention just as much. Laura, who is terribly withdrawn, lives in her own world. Laura is a unique character that is difficult to understand without the help of. The symbols are intended to bring out a more thorough and meaningful understanding of Laura, Amanda, Tom and Jim, how things embody them and what obstacles stand in their way. The symbolic objects in the play show us that everyone has their own paths and ways, just as the members of the Wingfield family show us throughout the film. The play, The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams is set in St. Louis, Missouri during this period of time. Amanda, the mother of the family, lives with her two children, Tom and Laura, in an apartment in the city. Tom's job at the warehouse and the small salary from Amanda's job as a telemarketer help. Tennessee Williams uses many situations, characters and objects as symbols. Two of these objects are the glass menagerie and the glass unicorn. Due to the title of the play, the glass menagerie can be said to be its central symbol, but also due to its repeated appearance in the story..

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