The development of learning education essay

Experiential learning has influenced adult education by making teachers responsible for creating, facilitating access to, and organizing experiences to facilitate learning. Bruner's theory of cognitive development, discovery learning and Piaget support this approach. Self development. Learning does not stop after higher education: it is a lifelong process. A person does not necessarily need a reason to continue studying. It is a way to maintain mental health and develop social skills. For more reasons, check out our adult or community education essay examples below. Adult Learning Facts This process of self-reflection has given me a deeper understanding of myself, my values, and my goals. It has also allowed me to challenge my own assumptions, embrace personal growth, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness. Another important lesson I learned through my learning experience is that in rural India, almost three-quarters of third graders cannot solve a two-digit subtraction problem, and by fifth grade, half still cannot. The world is facing a learning crisis. Although countries have significantly increased access to education, going to school is not the same as learning.ISSN: 2581-7922. September - Kerwin A. Livingstone, PhD. Reflective essay on learning and teaching. Kerwin Anthony Livingstone, PhD. Applied linguistics. E-Learning: Future of education. Sumit Goyal. thesumitgo yal Abstract. This article highlights the significance of e-learning in modern education and discusses its technical aspect. 5. Education reduces the risk of violent extremism. Violent extremism, especially among religious groups, can cause everything from riots to wars. Poor education or no education can limit a student's worldview to a very narrow area, making him or her prime candidates for extremist philosophies. Development usually occurs as a result of learning and tends to play out in different ways. For example, through formal training events or through teaching, coaching, mentoring, chance and unplanned experiences in life and the workplace. Some, if not most, training tends to be job specific, but on the contrary, training can be. My learning experience has been a journey full of growth, challenges and moments of inspiration. Along the way, I have been fortunate to have supportive teachers, mentors, and colleagues who have guided and inspired me. Every stage of my educational journey has contributed to my personal and intellectual development,

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