Cloning in Plant and Animal Biology Essay

Introduction to transport in plants and animals. Transport is the movement of substances within an organism. All living cells require oxygen and food for various metabolic processes. These substances, glycogen, are a storage carbohydrate in the liver and muscles of animals. In animals, it is broken down into glucose when blood glucose drops. Cellulose- This is a structural polysaccharide in plants. It is a list of researchable topics for biology. A list of researchable topics for biology students starts with some interesting biological topics involving sociological perspective and ethical issues. The most controversial topics are abortion, human cloning, genetic research and the new ethics that would have to be created to resolve these issues. The process of cloning adult cells: 1. Remove a cell, such as a skin cell, from the adult animal. 2. Separate the nucleus from the cell that contains the genetic information of the cloned animal. 3. Take an unfertilized egg from an adult female of the same species and remove the nucleus. 4.

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