Environmental Impact and Sustainability Issues in Tourism Tourism Essay
In addition, tourism, of which the cruise shipping sector makes up a large part, plays a major role. This has been shown to be a key driver for creating positive environmental externalities, such as the environment. Thus, a theoretical framework is needed for assessing the impact of leisure and recreation on sustainable tourism. This special issue will contribute to the study of sustainable tourism by providing a broad, 2.2. Competitiveness and sustainability issues in tourism. According to a 2017 UNWTO study, the modern economy is distinguished by high competitiveness in every business area, including tourism. In order to survive, organizations are forced to increase business efficiency, implement the most advanced technologies, strive for the sustainability of tourism can also be expressed as 'responsible tourism', which places more emphasis on the responsibility of the tourism sector by generating greater economic benefits. for local people and improving the well-being of host communities, with an emphasis on creating tourism that is in harmony with the environment and social conditions. Nevertheless, it is clear that tourism poses some very difficult problems, especially its devastating environmental and imperialistic consequences. view of culture. Scientists have recognized this as a problem and have been trying to find a solution in the field of sustainable tourism for decades. With this goal in mind, the issue of tourism finds a branch called Ecotourism or sustainable tourism, which is concerned about the environment and tries to help countries improve environmental protection policies. More than ever, sustainable tourism has taken a leading place in the global crusade against environmental degradation. and climate change. We had the chance to hear from Flemming Konradsen, professor of environmental health at the University of Copenhagen, who has spent more than twenty years researching and,