Genetic and morphometric analysis of native honey bee biology essay

The genus Apis, the honey bee, is represented by nine species and contains three subgenera: Megapis, Micrapis and Apis. Apis species within a subgenus can be difficult to distinguish from each other, highlighting the need for a versatile diagnostic tool that can be used to identify the species efficiently and accurately. We photographed a monument-based geometric morphometric analysis of the wings of three species of Aedes Diptera: Culicidae, viz. Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus and Ae. pseudotaeniatus, in Dehradun district. The honey bee Apis mellifera, a globally distributed species, is an insect of enormous ecological and socio-economic importance. Various hypotheses place the origin of this species in Africa or the Middle East, Whitfield et al. 2006, Weinstock et al. 2006, Cridland et al. 2017 with a subsequent diversification to Abstract. Morphometric approaches facilitate the analysis of quantitative variation in shape, and are generally most useful for the study of organisms that have completed morphogenesis and are at different stages of growth. Recent conceptual and technical refinements in the characterization and comparison of shapes have been merged. The African catfish Clarias gariepinus is a freshwater species native to almost all of Africa and a small part of Asia. Because the African catfish is a generalist species, highly prolific and able to survive in a wide range of environmental conditions, it has become invasive in many non-native systems where it was introduced. , northeastern, central region and peninsular Thailand, and Samui Island were examined using a polymorphism of three microsatellite loci, indicating high genetic diversity in the mainland populations, but limited diversity in the Samui population. ExpandRecently, significant morphometric variations revealed three and eighteen Alattal et al. 2014a well-defined clusters of the native honey bee in Saudi Arabia. The comparative analysis of all morphometric data showed greater variation in the Aseer population of AMJ than the AMJ presented both in other regions of KSA and beyond. 2.1. Forward genetics using quantitative trait loci. In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, an established model organism used in molecular biology and neuroscience, forward genetics has led to the identification of genes associated with mutant phenotypes. In general, the identification of genes related to traits of interest requires: The classical morphometric methods used to identify subspecies of honey bees are time-consuming, while geometric morphometric analysis proves to be more efficient and faster for their identification. The diversity and local differentiation of honey bees are topics of broad public interest. In particular, the classification of Ethiopian honey bees has been a subject of debate for decades. Here we performed an integrated analysis based on classical morphometry and a putative nuclear marker called r7-frag for elevation. The book begins by providing in-depth insights into the fascinating biology of honey bee queens, their morphometric characteristics, developmental synchrony, genetics, hormones, pheromones, colonial. The maternal origin of A. mellifera in Rodrigues was assessed by the DraI assay and sequencing of the mitochondrial COI-COII region, and the genetic diversity was comparable to that of continental populations. Apis mellifera comes.

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