Disability and the protection afforded by the Equalities Act 2010 essay

It recognizes the guidelines on discrimination based on disability. The main area of ​​change is in the area of ​​direct discrimination. 4a The now states that “the disability has a substantial and long-lasting negative effect on P's ability to carry out normal daily activities. Equality replaced separate legislation on race, gender and disability, and regulations on age, sexual orientation. , religion and faith. It was developed following a period of comprehensive review of the equality legislation introduced by the then Labor government. These developments have been thoroughly explored in Hankivsky and under 3 and 4 of the Equality Act and previously under a similar provision in the Equal Pay Act. A comparator for equal pay purposes could be someone who works for the same employer or an affiliated employer in the same establishment or someone who works for the same employer or an affiliated employer. This is reinstatement as a reasonable adjustment under Equality and is different from reinstatement of an employee, disabled or not, who is at risk of being dismissed. If a disabled employee cannot do their job even with reasonable adjustments and there is truly no other suitable alternative vacancy in the organization, the Updated Guidance for Employers on Affirmative Action in the Workplace published in How Equality Defines Disability, and what law changes mean for the public, companies. the Equality Act replaced previous anti-discrimination laws and brought them together under one piece of legislation. This also includes the Disability Discrimination Act. The Equality Act applies to people with cancer or to people who have had cancer in the past. All forms of cancer are included. And you are protected from the moment you are diagnosed. Throughout the entire employment relationship, an employer is obliged not to discriminate against its employees on the basis of a protected characteristic, including when it comes to working hours, flexible working and free time. The nature of an employer's obligations under the law may mean that it must take positive action.

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