Sample Classification Essay
For example, if you are writing a classification essay about different types of animals, you may want to write an expository essay that provides factual information about each type of animal. On the other hand: Classification of friendship essay. There are basically three types of important friendships you can have in life, according to Hein and Hugh, 2004. These classes of friends are classified based on how well you know them and how well they know you. Guest friends. How to write a classification essay. The purpose of a classification essay is to provide a clear presentation of a topic. You do this by dividing the subject into categories. Then you arrange the information into groups in a logical order. If you follow these steps, you can write an excellent classification essay: Choose a topic. Family and its structure Classification essay. A family is a group of people who live together in the same household and care for each other. There are three types of family constellations, which usually consist of: a nuclear family, a single-parent family, and an extended family. In this article we are going to discuss only nuclear and comprehensive. Read this great example of a classification essay. We don't just want to help you define the types of friend classification, format, structuring and style aspects. We also hope that after reading this excellent classification essay on friends example, you will see how to set up a working classification essay and, My iTunes Library and How It Defines Me “New York is more than a tan that you will never lose, 'This e is from Lady Gaga, one of my favorite singers. These types of statements are unique. This e shares the uniqueness with the music I listen to, which defines me and my personality. I consider myself a very unusual and colorful character. Writing a Classification Essay: Structure. As always, it's critical to understand the structure of an article before you even start creating an outline. Moreover, checking out classification essay examples online after discovering more details about the required structure will definitely bring you more benefits. For example, if you are writing a classification essay about different types of animals, you may want to write an expository essay. which provides factual information about each type of animal. On the other hand, if your goal is to convince your readers to choose one type of animal over another, you can opt for a persuasive style. For example: “The last five American presidents have employed physical fitness regimens that range from the formal to the informal. They are either disciplined public joggers, regular private gym-goers, or regular, active sports enthusiasts.” Step 4: Outline the Classification Essay The organizing principle is the way you sort the groups. There are three steps to writing an effective classification essay: organize things into useful categories, use a single organizing principle, and provide examples of things that fit into each category. Support each category equally with examples. In general, you should write the same. For example, group A persons, B and C persons. The researchers can then assign a specific percentage for each stratum and use this as a basis for determining how many respondents to include per group. So this will get you marks for group A, B and for C. An example essay is a type of argumentative essay that requires the use of specific examples to prove an established thesis. The examples should be simple, relevant and numerous. Classification essay example Drafting,