High context culture vs. low context culture Cultural studies essay

Watch videos from a variety of sources that bring classroom topics to life. Read modern, diverse business cases. Discover hundreds of books and reference titles. sign up today, lt p gt In high-context cultures, the spoken word is less important than: According to the theory of high- and low-context cultures put forward by Eward T. Hall, Chinese culture can be classified as a high context - context culture, while American culture is classified as. In intercultural communication, ignorance of the context usually leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. Based on Eduard. T. Hall's notion of high context and low context, this article aims to generalize the basic distinguishing features of the two contexts by analyzing the actual cases in everyday communication between US and American websites. cultures and low-context cultures, W rtz 2005 classified the Arab countries, including the GCC countries, as high-context cultures. The. The research began as a survey of Hofstede's colleagues in IBM offices around the world. At the time, he included only four dimensions in his theory, which he published: Power Distance, Individualism versus Collectivism, Masculinity versus Femininity, and Uncertainty Avoidance. Subsequently, Hofstede's work, with the help of Michael Harris, as McSweeney 2002 notes, “stimulated a great deal of cross-cultural research and provided a useful framework for the comparative study of cultures” p. 83. Furthermore, communication in low-context cultures relies more on words to express meanings. Groups that have close relationships or have worked together for a longer period of time are more likely to communicate through high-context communication, while groups that are unfamiliar with others tend to communicate. High-context cultures prefer messages in which meaning resides largely within knowledge of the context of the interaction, including the setting and participants. In low-context cultures. In intercultural communication, ignorance of the context usually leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. Based on Eduard. T. Hall's notion of high context and low context, this article aims to generalize the distinctive fundamental features of the two contexts by examining the actual cases in everyday communication between American and American,

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