Community water fluoridation essay

The British Fluoridation Society (BFS) has launched a new essay competition aimed at encouraging the emerging oral healthcare industry. The availability of water fluoridation to a large portion of the world's population is hampered by various political, geographical, financial and technical problems. water fluoridation is a population health program uniquely positioned to equitably prevent dental caries across all socioeconomic groups. A, Community water fluoridation, CWF, is a long-standing, 1 but still ethically controversial 2 public health program. For a scientific background on CWF: despite evidence that community water fluoridation, CWF, protects oral health, improves health equity, is safe and cost-effective, and contributes to social well-being, Open Access article. Community Water Fluoridation in Focus: A comprehensive look at fluoridation levels across America. Through. Man hanged. 1,2,3,4, Water fluoridation is a cost-effective way to reduce dental caries. The fluoride binds to the enamel and makes it more resistant to acid attacks by bacteria. The World Health Organization. Water fluoridation also saves money for families and the U.S. health care system. 2. Drinking fluoridated water keeps teeth strong and reduces cavities in both children and adults. This results in less pain, fewer fillings or extracted teeth, and fewer missed days at work and school. 3. Communities that have fluoridated water save money.

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