Corporate Moral Responsibility A Strawsonian Approach Philosophy Essay

This essay provides a critical overview of the debate over the moral responsibility of corporate CMR. The parties in the debate wonder whether companies are capable of this. This article's argument that corporations can be morally responsible for what they do will draw heavily on Strawson's argument that people can be abstract. Examples of extreme evil highlight certain tensions in our thinking about responsibility. According to the Strawsonian framework, being open to moral guilt presupposes our capacity to do so. Peter Strawson defends the position that determinism is not relevant to the justification of attributing responsibility. In this article I would like to explore several arguments that Strawson has put forward in support of this thesis. These arguments are all based on the idea that the practice of responsibility is inescapable. My main focus is not so much on the fact that several philosophers have developed theories of moral responsibility that are explicitly based on what they consider Strawson's most important contribution, while also explicitly jettisoning aspects of his views that they consider unsatisfactory. many more people have come to subscribe to views about moral responsibility that they would also subscribe to. In fact, business ethics is not a moral-philosophical endeavor devoted to the φιλοσοφία philosophy, the “love of wisdom.” Instead, the standard-setting institution for business ethics is business 'itself' and not moral philosophy, as Heath rightly points out. What this means for business ethics seems rather unpalatable. The content may be copyrighted. 5. A philosophical approach to moral education. Filip Cam. School of Humanities and Languages, University of New South Wales.; Management summary. This central chapter covers the understanding of major ethical theories used in executive moral reasoning, such as teleology, deontology, distributive and corrective justice, virtue ethics versus ethics of trust, from the perspective of intrinsic versus instrumental good, moral value versus moral obligation . The Moral Philosophy of Joseph Butler. First publication Wed, substantive revision Mon. Joseph Butler is best known for his criticism of the hedonistic and egoistic "selfish" theories associated with Hobbes and Bernard Mandeville, and for his positive arguments that self-love and conscience are not in conflict if they are correct. Many theorists writing about moral responsibility accept that voluntary control is necessary for responsibility. Call such theorists volitionists. Recently, volitionism has been questioned by theorists I call nonvolitionists. Yet neither volitionists nor non-volitionists have carefully formulated a clear volitionist thesis, nor have they.,

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