Attitude towards advertising approach influences brand choice Marketing essay

The experience of a positive attitude toward advertising Aad can convey expectations about the experience of using the advertised brand Holbrook amp Hirschman, 1982. Initial attitude. Abstract. This study investigates how attitude towards the advertisement, Aad, influences brand choice. We examine the applicability of two contrasting perspectives: an independent or direct effect model and a. 5941. Summary. The study of advertising effects broadly follows two traditions. The first concerns the intensity of. advertising input, primarily advertising spend and exposure to behavioral and. The purpose of this article is to investigate purchase intention in the case of smartphone advertising, which is different from other advertising media. This study examines the characteristics of recent mobile advertising, such as brand attitude and context awareness value, which have not been taken into account in non-mobile advertising studies. A structural equation model test with probability estimation was conducted to test the relationship between the study variables. The empirical results of the structural model suggest that brand attitude has a positive influence on perceived value and the three dimensions of social value, personal value and functional value. Little is known about how different types of advertising influence brand attitude. We examine the relationships between three brand attitude variables: perceived quality, perceived value, and recent satisfaction, and three types of advertising: national traditional, local traditional, and digital. The data represents ten million brands. Therefore, self-reference can act as a mediating variable between sensory preference and brand attitude, leading to the first hypothesis. H1. Consumers' preference for sensory cues in advertisements influences brand attitude through self-reference of sensory information. 2.2. The mediating effects of positive affect.

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