Perception towards life insurance company trading essay
QUESTIONNAIRE A survey on customer perception towards Life Insurance Corporation of India with special reference to Dehradun District of Uttarakhand Dear Respondent, This questionnaire is designed to understand your perception about Life Insurance Corporation of India. Your insurance authority. The research focuses on customer perception towards different. distribution channels and their preference is to select a suitable distribution channel for insurance. It is. Customers' perception towards service quality of Life Insurance Corporation of India: A factor analytic approach. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2 18, 219-231. Descriptive statistics of life insurance knowledge and cognitive, affective and behavioral attitudes towards life insurance Matrix Spearman correlation on at least ordinal variables 2Life Insurance Corporation of India, the capital of intensive business, offers customers the most important financial instrument aimed at both protection and savings in the long-term. The company reaches people through the main traditional route of the agency model for the sales processes of the many complex, needs-based,