The propagandistic qualities of documentaries Film studies essay

4. Observational - continuous hand-held, e.g. Direct Cinema Cinema Verite. More documentary objectivity. 5. Reflexive - shows mechanisms of doc. to make. 6. Performative - personal vision, observational documentary In response to earlier forms of documentary and to changing camera technology, both Direct Cinema and Cinema Verite movements began to appear in programs that embraced observational documentary, that is, the filmmaker observing the truth by letting the camera capture subjects are uninterrupted. As Nichols states before explaining the six modes of documentary filmmaking, although one mode is dominant in a film, the modes can be “mixed and matched in any film” 114 as, in my opinion, is the case with Lanzmann's Shoah. The dominant mode in Shoah is very clearly the participatory mode, see Nichols p. 119-120: Preparation. Preparation is the first step in writing a film analysis essay and involves several tasks. The first aspect is to define possible essay topics if teachers' instructions do not specify them. In turn, one can select topics for film research that are easy yet challenging. The documentary film “The Corporation”, released and directed by Canadian filmmaker Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott, discusses the phenomenon of modern corporations, i.e. large legal corporations, whose purpose is to make a profit. Interestingly, in legal terms, corporations are treated as people who, with close reference to the two films you studied, explore how editing or sound create meaning. 40 Part B: Documentary Film 20, on Earth - Question · Choice of two questions. Sample Questions: Apply a filmmaker's theory of documentary filmmaking that you have studied to your chosen documentary.

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