An Intelligent Tutoring System Education Essay

Before clustering, synonymous keywords such as intelligent tutor, intelligent tutoring, intelligent tutoring system, ITS, etc. were merged with frequency. Keywords such as 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Artificial Intelligence Technology' and 'Education' were excluded because they are huge hubs but offer only a limited offering. The SCHOLAR teacher system was the first intelligent tutoring system that ITS introduced by Jaime R. Carbonell, W oolf , 2010 This program system was developed to assess the student. One of the ICT developments in the field of information and communication technology used in the learning process is the Intelligent Tutoring System ITS, and gamification can overcome boredom, lack of interest or motivation and monotony when using the HIS. In this study, the application of ITS equipped with Gamification is called ITS, G. Currently, the use of Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS was revealed in the grounded coding. ITS systems are adaptive instruction systems that use AI techniques and teaching methods. An ITS system adapts educational activities and strategies based on the student's characteristics and needs Mousavinasab et al. 2021. Emotion-adaptive intelligent tutoring systems ITSs There has been significant progress in sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, AI and machine learning , resulting in the development of more personalized education systems. These systems are known as Intelligent Tutoring System ITS. Summary: Although online education has improved the efficiency of students' access to high-quality educational resources, real-time interaction between teachers and students has not yet been achieved in online personalized learning. Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS provides a feasible way to achieve real-time personalized learning. Artificial intelligence AI can transform education, education and innovation. In recent years, the use of AI in the classroom has increased significantly. This technology has been applied to various subjects with personalized introduction, intelligent guidance systems and adaptive assessment. The use of Intelligent Guidance Systems ITS was revealed in the grounded coding. ITS systems are adaptive instruction systems that use AI techniques and teaching methods. An ITS system adapts educational activities and strategies based on the student's characteristics and needs Mousavinasab et al. 2021. Before performing the clustering, synonymous keywords, for example, intelligent tutor, intelligent tutoring, intelligent tutoring system, ITS, etc. with frequency merged. Keywords such as 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Artificial Intelligence Technology' and 'Education' are excluded because they are large nodes but offer a limited offering. The Writing Pal is an intelligent ITS tutoring system that provides training to high school and college students on how to use strategies to improve writing quality and, more specifically, on how to write essays McNamara et al. 2012. We developed this system because of its importance of writing for education and student achievement. 1 Introduction. The use of artificial intelligence AI in education is rapidly expanding Roos, 2018. One of the most popular AI technologies used to support teaching and learning activities is the Chatbot system Okonkwo amp Ade-Ibijola, 2020. Chatbots are becoming considered a useful technology to facilitate learning within education. The original vision for intelligent tutoring systems included powerful, versatile systems that would use.

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