The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Snp Biology essay

Single nucleotide polymorphism, SNP A. Brookes. Biology. SNP, a single nucleotide polymorphism, is an abundant form of genome sequence variation that includes alternatives to one base pair, represented at a population frequency of more. This type of change is called 'single nucleotide polymorphism', SNP, and appears to be more common than other types of polymorphisms. SNPs are estimated to occur at a frequency of approximately one,pair bp throughout the genome, 1, and more than three million SNPs have been mapped to date. Single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in the -nt segment of the maize stearoyl-ACP desaturase gene A Ching, unpublished data. The horizontal rows correspond to each of the individuals in the sequence. The vertical columns identify nine polymorphic sites, including one insertion-deletion ID polymorphism.

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