Morality in sex education is preserved Education essay

Moral values ​​in education essay. The responsibility of raising a child lies with both parents and teachers. In most cases, teachers always try to ensure that parents are part of their children's education. On the other hand, parents tend to be cautious about any communication from their children's teachers. In the aftermath of World War I, the U.S. Public Health Service inaugurated its first sex education curriculum for American schoolchildren. This essay examines the context surrounding the emergence of the earliest sex education curricula in the United States, and offerings and analyzes of those from the U.S. Public Health Service. The rejection of moral absolutes about sex was at the heart of the 'sex education controversies' that broke out. -1969. Evangelicals and fundamentalists, forms of conservative Protestant Christianity, believed that universal sexual morals such as abstinence before marriage were the cornerstone of the Christian family and society. Our focus is on the moral aspects of sex education. It is important to note that liberal sex education is also aimed at non-moral goals, in particular the competence to choose and act wisely in sexual areas of life. This competence is a prerequisite for having adult status and therefore also for obtaining the powers. influence how well students build their character. They build a foundation for responsible and moral behavior in students by teaching virtues such as honesty, integrity and empathy. 2. Social responsibility. Students who are exposed to moral education learn more about their role in society. Introduction, Essay on Moral Education, Morality is one of the fundamental aspects of human life and society. It is this moral code that allows people to trust each other, work together, and form a culture and community with a common set of values ​​and beliefs. According to the definition, morality is defined as 'Principles regarding sex education, they say, should also be about relationships. Giving students a foundation in building relationships and focusing on caring for others can increase well-being and pave the way for healthy intimacy in the future, experts say. It can prevent or counteract gender stereotypes and prejudices. And it could minimize the number of cases,

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