Expat essay

A published essay on naturalization and loyalty argued that there was no reason to ban expatriation because so few Americans emigrated. It took well over a century for the focus to change from British and other immigrants leaving to native-born Americans leaving. Foreign salespeople are the company's direct link to the customer because through them the company can transfer its technology to the customers. The company can also control its foreign operations through foreign sellers. For larger global companies, expats are also a way to decentralize power from the main company. The business expansion into other geographical areas with different cultures from which organizations are created and developed leads to the expatriation of employees to these destinations. Recruitment and selection procedures for expats are not always successful and lead to an early return of these professionals. Living abroad as an expat or as an individual is a unique and exciting experience that many seek for various reasons, such as work, lifestyle or personal desires. This often involves a temporary or permanent move from their home country, resulting in an adventurous and fulfilling life.

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