A language requirements and language needs English essay

English has become the dominant global lingua franca, an essential tool in international diplomacy, global business and higher education. As noted by P.Rao 14, it facilitates English. Six hundred freshmen of Negros Oriental State University, Bais, were assessed using a structured survey questionnaire to determine their English language needs in the US. English Learners ELs are the fastest growing student population in US public schools, a population that has increased dramatically over the years National Center for Education Statistics, 2017. of students in the United States have limited language proficiency National Clearinghouse for English, The Language Demands of School is a published book that describes a comprehensive empirical basis for assessment, instruction, and professional development of academic English. Chapters include empirical research by Bailey and colleagues at the National Center for Research on Evaluation, Standards, Student Testing CRESST at, Essay on English Language: English is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. English is the native language of England. During the colonial period, the British Empire ruled over colonies spread across continents. Today, English is one of the official languages ​​of the United Nations Security Council.

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