Psycholinguistic processes shaping the interlingual English language essay

Psycholinguistic processes that shape interlanguage An interlanguage system is a system created by learners of a second language. The system has features of the language they are. The current study aimed to investigate the psycholinguistic aspects of interlanguage IL variability in English as a second language learner from Iran. In this study, three morphological forms were specifically examined: the plural forms -s, past tense forms, and present tense forms.1. Introduction. Interlingual henceforth IL is a hypothesis proposed by Selinker 1972 in the field of second language acquisition henceforth SLA. It is henceforth defined as a natural language produced by second language learners when they acquire a new language, Richards et al. 1996. Interlanguage characterized, Interlanguage is an essential theory for teachers to know what is happening in the learning process. It makes the teachers look at the varieties of erroneous linguistic forms for improvement. 2. the nition of interlanguage and the phenomenon of its fossils. Interlanguage is the concept in the theory of second language acquisition, which was promoted by the American linguist. Selinker in. For this study, they were randomly selected and asked to write a word essay in English. Selinker's theory of Interlingual was used as a framework for identifying, describing and. It has significant implications for new research agendas and teacher preparation in applied linguistics. Evidence-based decision making, whether language policy decisions, instruction, 1.1. second language theories. There are four perspectives that have influenced second language research. acquisition. 1.1. prescriptive suggests that language acquisition is. The theories have been used in the field of language teaching. Some experts use them as basic theories in developing language teaching methods. It is known as the psycholinguistic approach. The psycholinguistic approach views learning as a cognitive individual process that takes place within the individual and then moves to the social dimension. Resume. This chapter provides an analysis of second language learners' interlanguage and its pedagogical implications. It begins with discussions of the concept of interlanguage from the background. The article discusses the evolution of the interlanguage hypothesis in relation to several themes: the extension of the hypothesis to apply to learners of all ages and to consider IL as a natural language.

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